Do you teach yoga?

Kind of. Rebecca is a Certified Yoga Tune Up teacher and Roll Model Method practiitoner. Yoga Tune Up is different from a traditional yoga class as YTU focuses on reducing pain, improving posture and enhancing performance. If you're looking for a zen/meditative flow class that makes you lose count of all of the chaturangas you've done, there's a good chance that we're not for you. However, if you're looking to identify your 'body blind spots', learn some easy to incorporate self-massage techniques with therapy balls, do some corrective exercise and just play for an hour or two, we'd love to work with you! Currently Rebecca is on a limited teaching schedule and classes and workshops are updated periodically, however if you're interested in a private session or class for just you or a small group, we can design a class specifically for your needs! Simply reach out to see how we can help.

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