Don’t Wait Until Something Hurts
Ah pain. I’m sure you’ve been there before, you’re going for a max rep deadlift at your Crossfit class and you’re not properly warmed up and you go to pull and feel a twinge and suddenly you’re on the ground. Or you’re diving for that save in front of the soccer goal but you misstep and roll your ankle (and miss the goal). Or you’re doing the simple act of brushing your teeth and that one quick move sends your back into a spasm that has you crawling on your hands and knees to your bed (I speak from personal experience with that last scenario). And then you’re missing work, searching frantically for a massage therapist that can see you RIGHT NOW and you’re chewing pain killers like they’re candy.
Don’t be that person.
At Michigan Massage and Wellness we like to think of ourselves as your maintenance massage therapists. We pride ourselves on client care and longevity. Some of our clients come in weekly, some biweekly and the rest of our regulars visit us monthly. That’s part of the reason why it’s so difficult to get an appointment (especially a last minute one!).
When you start to prioritize your self care routine and include regular massage and bodywork sessions, things may still hurt, but you can bet that it’s not nearly as bad and the chance for injury is lessened greatly because of the frequency of sessions.
So while it’s perfectly okay to seek out an emergency appointment when a freak accident/injury occurs, why not consider getting yourself onto a regular schedule as well? Your body will thank you.
In good hands,
Rebecca Tamm, LMT