How spiritual are you with your yoga practice?
I recently set up a work date with my long time friend/client/fellow badass boss lady Julie and she had to push it back and said “I need to sneak into a yoga class before”. Of course I retorted with “you should be sneaking into one of my classes” and her response was “I need that spiritual aspect, my friend, but I appreciate your classes!”
And it made me think about how, for a lot of people, yoga really is a sacred, spiritual practice. What with the “open your hearts” commands from so many instructors, the soft lighting, meditative music, zen flow. For some, it is their time to connect with their inner selves, to quiet the mind, to restore/replenish the soul. They walk out calm, at peace, and better aligned with their whole being.
How spiritual am *I* with my yoga practice?
I’m not.
I’ve tried for years. Heck, even decades to get into that yoga flow, that peace, that serenity, all of those sun salutations. And it is 100% not for me. When I was at a yoga class for Julie’s bachelorette weekend, while I appreciated the overall studio and appearance, and the class itself was fine, it just wasn’t for me. Kind of like how Julie may feel if she were to come to one of my Yoga Tune Up® classes looking for that spiritual aspect. In fact, I spent a lot of time like I always do in a more traditional yoga class thinking “IS THIS OVER YET?!” and “ANOTHER DOWNWARD DOG?!”
Does that mean one is better than the other? Of course not. It just means that there are options for everyone. For those that want the slow flow, the zen, the meditation, there is an abundance of those. It’s like I tell new people in class “If you are looking for zen and meditative, you’re in the wrong place. If you’re looking to get your shit fixed, welcome”. Now that’s not to say that a more traditional yoga class isn’t going to fix things, but the approach that I take with Yoga Tune Up® classes and workshops is more in line with the YTU philosophy: reducing pain, improving posture and enhancing performance.
For me, Yoga Tune Up® came into my life at the right time and for the right reasons. I had a tear in my rotator cuff that was starting to affect my daily life, and I knew I had to do something different. And through the uniqueness of YTU and the movements as well as the therapy ball work with the various Roll Model® Method therapy balls are what got me my body back out of the pain cave. And it was then that I knew that I had to get this out to as many people as possible, because if you know me at all, you know that my niche is unique services and offerings.
So, the next time you are looking to unwind and down regulate but don’t really feel like “opening your heart” or getting your chakras all lined up and have that nagging shoulder, hip or foot issue that your slow flow class isn’t helping, reach out and see if one of our classes might help!
In good hands,
Rebecca Tamm, LMT