Massage for Injuries

At Michigan Massage and Wellness, we're not just about luxury; we're dedicated to comprehensive, corrective bodywork. We address issues like headaches, frozen shoulders, and chronic pain with a multifaceted approach, tailoring treatments to your unique needs. Our goal is to help you regain mobility and find lasting relief.

Massage for Injuries

For some, massage is a luxury, spa-type service. But here at Michigan Massage and Wellness, that’s not always the case. The main focus of our is to provide comprehensive, corrective bodywork to fix what’s hurting and those old nagging injuries that don’t seem to get better. Although if you still want a more relaxing session, we have several options available for that as well). So many people are suffering, though, unable to do the things they used to enjoy or making significant accommodations for some loss of mobility or chronic pain they can’t seem to tame. We want to help! To do this, we have a multi faceted approach.

First, we are going to look at your issues that need fixing. Whether it’s headaches, a concussion, frozen shoulder, or plantar fasciitis, we will do everything in our power to help ease your pain, get you back to living the life you want, and get your body moving toward recovery. We may combine various techniques, like Lokte Method and Fascial Stretching, or may advise that you take one of our Yoga Tune Up® classes or any other services that would be a good fit for your specific condition. Every problem is unique, and each body has special needs, so we’ll work together to figure those out and create treatment plans to work best for you. Once we get those issues resolved, it’s time for some maintenance.

What Happens After Injuries are Fixed?

Just like anything else (such as diet and exercise) some maintenance must be practiced. Yes, maintenance. You didn’t expect it to go away in one session, did you? Sadly, no. Because, like anything else, you need to keep at it. Rest assured that our staff of talented therapists will help you maintain that great feeling long-term with various massage techniques to keep your body loose, ease your stress, and take care of any minor aches and pains that start to creep back up. Many people think that there’s no need for any more bodywork once the problem is corrected, but that’s not the case. You must maintain what you’ve worked so hard for; the only way to do that is to keep up a maintenance program, including massage, stretches, and exercises. We don’t want you to revert to that injured or painful state or start losing that range of motion again.

Think of your car. Do you get it fixed only when something is broken? Do you only get one oil change and think it will be good for the life of the car? No. So why are you treating your body like that?

infografic for pain cycle

So remember, massage, bodywork, and any self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s healthcare. Whether you come to us to fix your injuries, to keep you feeling great, or both, we’re proud to be a part of your healthcare team. People haven’t been coming to us for over a decade because we aren’t doing our job, but they’re coming to us because we keep doing our job, and that job is to keep you moving (and living) your best.

In good hands,

Rebecca Tamm, LMT

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