How many times has your massage therapist recommended a particular stretch, or a product or a technique and they send you a link but it gets buried in your text messages?
Or perhaps you want to learn more about dry brushing and you hit up the old Google and are delivered about 435,000,000 results?
What about those times you are looking for a video on YouTube for a neck stretch and you have to sort through another 435,000,000 results and once you’ve narrowed it down you need to spend 10-15 minutes listening to their life story about how they went skating when they were 8 and have spent their life searching for the perfect ankle stretch to help their sprains and breaks? (Seriously….so annoying, especially when YouTube keeps popping ads in everywhere!)
Well fear not, we’ve got you covered. We will be adding to this page periodically to share some of our favorite things. Maybe you’re looking for an at home solution to take care of those daily aches and pains but you only have 5 minutes. Our online program Stretch Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself is the answer to your time management prayers.
Looking for our product recommendations? Check out our Recommended Products page!
Looking for some ways to de-stress? Try breathwork, meditation, hypnosis or tapping!
Stretching and Mobility
Take your stretching and mobility on the go with some of our favorite industry pros!
Supporting Your Lymphatic System
Dry brushing, self massage, neuropathy exercises and more resources await to help you support your lymphatic system during any stage of life.
Stretch Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
If you don’t have time, space or equipment to take care of yourself on a daily basis, look no further than our online program, Stretch Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself!
Join Our Facebook Group
If you’re looking for some easy and effective ways to keep moving, reduce pain, mental wellness and more, join us!
Resources and some of our favorite things
Some of our favorite resources and products for those times where you need to get out of the pain cave quickly or to serve as touch ups in between your regular massage sessions.