Relieve Chronic Pain with Lokte Method

Experience the Lokte Method for fast and lasting relief from chronic pain and injuries. This connective tissue modality offered exclusively at Michigan Massage and Wellness can help with various issues, from plantar fasciitis to migraines. Try it to get your body back on track.

Chronic Pain Relief With Lokte Method

If you’ve been a client of Michigan Massage and Wellness for any amount of time, you know that we the only providers in Michigan that offer Lokte Method. If you’re not familiar with it, Lokte Method is a connective tissue modality designed to bring relief from chronic pain, injuries, and movement dysfunction FAST and provide LASTING results. One 30-minute session gave a client almost an entire month of relief from her daily plantar fasciitis pain.

Chronic pain and injuries can wreak havoc on the body. This treatment is ideal for anyone suffering from migraines, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, golfers/tennis elbow, tendinitis, and shin splints or shoulder problems.

The photo below is a client suffering from back pain due to a change in her work setup (anyone else struggling with that work-from-home life?) As you can see, she got a massive improvement in her range of motion in just a 30-minute session.

lokte method, back pain, massage troy michigan

Next up, please take a look at my friend Carrie. She sent me a text saying, “I need help. My shoulder is bothering me, my forearms hurt, I’ve got carpal tunnel, I’m dying”. I wish I had taken a video of her moving her arm around, but look at this improvement after only 5 minutes of treatment! She has been struggling with shoulder impingement and pain for six months, and while I’m not one to toot my own horn, I’ll let her words speak for themselves: “if I haven’t told you, you’re a miracle worker.”

lokte method, shoulder pain massage troy michigan

Sometimes a traditional massage isn’t the answer for what ails you. While it has its place (and it is very popular here), at Michigan Massage and Wellness, our specialty is developing a treatment plan best suited to your needs and goals.

If you’re suffering/struggling with plantar fasciitis, sciatica, low back pain, migraines, whiplash, carpal tunnel, or any other type of chronic pain, why don’t you give Lokte Method a try? You deserve to have your body fixed.

In Good Hands,
Rebecca Tamm, LMT

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