Do you remember 30 years ago when we didn’t have things like streaming music, podcasts, e-readers and everything else that makes us be grateful for an instant gratification life that we live now? When our only music choices were cassette tapes (my first one was Whitney Houston and my first CD was Stone Temple Pilots, yes I was kind of a grunge/emo girl before it had a name).
How did we ever survive that??
Thankfully now we have a lifetime of endless entertainment options at our fingertips thanks to podcasts, digital downloads, streaming services and more.
So today, I thought I’d shift gears a bit and share some of my favorite podcasts and books.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard.
I love this podcast so much. I’ve always been a fan of Dax Shepard and there is no shortage of amazing guests on his podcast. (Listen to any and all Nick Offerman episodes because he is one of my favorites). And with a range of celebrities, musicians, authors, doctors, experts and more, well I’ll choose Dax and Monica over whatever the radio stations are trying to pass off as music these days.
I have been listening to Joy and Claire since they were the Girls Gone WOD Podcast way back in 2013/2014. They have since transitioned over to a more well rounded space covering everything that women are dealing with. And my favorite thing to do is let several episodes pile up and have a full out binge for a week when I’m walking my dogs. Claire has secured her spot as a meme curator, Joy brings in a wealth of knowledge with her background as a therapist and when you listen you feel like you are just hanging out with a couple of girlfriends over drinks.
The Spapreneur Podcast with Ramona Rice
Okay full disclosure, Ramona Rice has been my business coach since 2018 and her podcast is one of the reasons why I decided to invest in myself and my business. She is a fresh voice in the spa industry and even though Michigan Massage and Wellness is the furthest thing from a spa, I have learned so much and anyone with any kind of business in the personal care industry should check her out.
I’ll admit, I’ve got a bit of a backlog of these because the ladies over at Wine & Crime do such a great job of pushing episodes out. But I am going to be completely honest, I’ve found that skipping through alllll the ads and listening on 1.5x speed is a great option. So many great episodes, from downright hilarious (like their stupid criminal episodes) to truly terrifying (cannibalism anyone?).
I used to be a voracious reader. When I was 10 I was at a family gathering and engrossed in one of my Nancy Drew books and my aunt took it away from me and told me to go play with my cousins. I had books taken away in school because I spent more time reading those than my actual textbooks. I can go on vacation and read 4 books in a week if I’m really motivated.
But thanks to adulting, running a massage practice, training staff members, taking care of my pets, myself, and everything else that comes with being a responsible member of society, leisure reading sadly has taken a backseat to other things.
However, I’ve compiled a list of some great books for anyone who runs a business, wants to or just wants to pretend like they are a busy, successful entrepreneur (because I don’t know about you but my imposter syndrome has me thinking that in order to be successful I have to always have something on my plate).
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
Okay I’m going to be honest here, pretty much any book by Mike Michalowicz is a must have for anyone running a business. All the way from learning how to start a business like he discusses in The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur all the way to Surge which discusses how to get stronger in a weak economy. His fun, informative approach is something that every business owner needs and Profit First has truly been a game changer for my business.
Anything by Jen Sincero
You are a Badass. You are a Badass at Making Money. Badass Habits.
Do you see a theme here?
Jen has a no nonsense approach to taking the ‘help’ out of self help and puts a fresh voice and fun spin in the arena of helping women get out of their heads and recognize their true bad ass potential. Her funny anecdotes, no BS approach is one that makes me recommend her books to all of my friends who are struggling with recognizing their value and self worth.
So, there you have it! Next time you’re looking for a change and want to try something new, have a read or listen to one of these and let me know your thoughts!
In good hands,
Rebecca Tamm, LMT