Self Care Tips

Maintaining self-care is essential for reaping the long-term benefits of massage therapy. Here are seven self-care tips to complement your massage sessions: Take breaks, stretch, self-massage with Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls, spend time outdoors, meditate/breathe, enjoy music, and get plenty of sleep.

Let me ask you…how is your self care game?

Now, if you are asking me “what is self care?” then we have a bigger problem on our hands!

While massage therapy can have benefits that last days or weeks at a time, that doesn’t mean you can neglect your body every day in between appointments. To help the effects of your massage last longer and simply to feel better, you’ll need to practice some self-care. Massage therapy is not a luxury, nor is it selfish to receive. Daily self-care is no different.

So here are 7 easy self-care tips you can start using today to get you through until your next massage appointment.

#1: Take breaks

Whether you’re working at a desk all day, standing in one spot, or doing hard manual labor, your body needs a break. Ideally, you’d want to take about 10 minutes for every hour of work, but I know not every work environment accommodates that sort of schedule, so take a break as often as possible. And I mean a real break. Don’t grab lunch at your desk while you keep working, or go from a computer screen to your phone screen scrolling through social media. A real break, one that’s going to benefit your body and mind, is one in which you do the opposite of your work. So if you sit at a desk all day, take a break by going outside for a 10 minute walk on nice days, or at least walk around the office and chat with coworkers about things that aren’t work related. If your job is more physically assertive, take a break by sitting back, kicking up your feet and closing your eyes for a few minutes. Whatever it is you do, give your mind and body a true rest from those tasks, or you won’t feel like you’ve had a break at all.

#2: Stretch

During that break, or even while you’re working, move your body and stretch! Focus on the areas that tend to bother you at the end of the day, even if they’re not hurting right at the moment. Incorporating some small stretches throughout the day will often prevent that pain you may be feeling by the time you’re ready to clock out. Not sure how to stretch? Join us at one of our weekly classes or monthly workshops or book a Fascial Stretch Therapy session to really get yourself worked out!

#3: Self-Massage

Okay I’m just going to say it, I have traded 99% of my mobility tools for the Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls. Why? Because they are amazing. Softer than a lacrosse ball (seriously, have you tried rolling a lacrosse ball on your jaw? Don’t do it. Grab a YTU ball instead), firmer than a tennis ball (can you stand on a tennis ball and not smash it?) and more compact than a foam roller (because you don’t want to be THAT person on the airplane trying to get a foam roller in the overhead bin), read what Carrie had to say about taking her YTU balls on a trip to Dublin recently:

But seriously, I’ve been doing some of the hip stuff with the Alpha ball against the wall and I swear it’s helping. I’m not as tight and my lower back doesn’t hurt as much. Even with my flat feet my back is better. It’s all connected! You’re teaching sorcery. Admit it.

Nope, no sorcery here, just solid tolls! While these tools don’t replace the skilled hands of yours truly, they can help to relieve the daily tension that can build up between appointments.

#4: Get Outside

Fresh air does a body good, and this is actually backed up by science. Research suggests that spending time outdoors helps you to clear your mind, improve your focus, and just feel happier. So whether it’s taking a break during work or making a day of it on a weekend, spend time outdoors.

#5: Meditate / Breathe

Meditation has been shown time and again to help reduce stress and ease tension in the body, but I know it seems like a daunting task for many. Meditation isn’t just about clearing your mind completely (that’s impossible for most of us), but is instead about focusing your mind on something. Some prefer guided meditation to keep them focused, and others enjoy just some quiet time breathing. Find what works for you. There’s no right or wrong about it. To start, try taking just 5 minutes somewhere quiet to breathe. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your body. What sensations do you feel? Focus on slowly relaxing each and every muscle from the top of your head all the way down to your toes. Making even a short exercise like this a normal part of your daily activities not only helps you relax, but it builds your body awareness – your ability to perceive where you are in space, and to recognize the sensations of your own body. This can, in turn help you recognize when your body is close to injury and prevent you from pushing too hard, or help you to isolate a problem area you may need work on.

#6: Turn up the music

Music is good for the soul and can help to take your mind off daily stresses. Studies have shown that playing music causes dopamine, a feel-good chemical, to be released into the brain. This is the same chemical that’s released when we eat chocolate and fall in love. It’s pretty powerful stuff! So while you’re driving to and from work, crank up the tunes and have a car dance party. If you can’t stand the music they play at work (if any), bring your own and put in some headphones. It’ll help you to concentrate and feel good all day.

#7: Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is absolutely crucial to keeping your body in tip-top shape. If your sleep is suffering, everything else will suffer as well. Most adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night, but many people are far below that. Everyone’s needs are different, so you may be perfectly fine with less than that, or you may need more. The best way to determine this is to go without an alarm clock for at least 1 week and go to bed at the same time every night. This allows your body to fall into a rhythm of what it really needs instead of what it’s been forced to do for so long. You’ll soon see just how much sleep your body requires when you allow it to wake naturally.

And no, sleeping in on the weekends doesn’t make up for a week of lost sleep. Sleep deprivation (those who get less than the recommended 7 hours) can result in a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and a decreased immune system. Not to mention the smaller side effects like loss of concentration, decreased productivity, and irritability. So if you want to feel good throughout your time between massage appointments, make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

In good hands,

Rebecca Tamm, LMT



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