If you always say you need to stretch more but you don’t know what is the right way to stretch, or you simply don’t want to do it because it’s just one more thing that you need to add to your daily to do list, we’ve got your back. And neck. And arms. And shoulders. And legs. And hips. And feet.
Stretching doesn’t have to hurt in order to be effective, and not everyone has a body destined to do the splits at a moments notice or are winning limbo competitions around the globe. But EVERY BODY needs their fascia worked!
Fascial Stretching may feel gentle but you’ll be surprised at how effective it is. While there are many styles of stretching in the bodywork world, fascial stretching incorporations gentle traction and slow movements which will in turn help to reduce or eliminate tight muscles, stiff joints, pain, improve flexibility, muscle activation response and relaxation. This is the solution to those sticky, icky joints that cause you so many problems. Get “stretch drunk” today!